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Set Sipo Mahogany 24.21



Set for classical and acoustic guitar Mahogany Sipo 24.21.

Matured for 20 years.

Scientific name: Entandrophragma Utile

To the sipo (E. Useful) the suffix "mahogany" is often added, although the similarity is not always so marked.

The good workability and excellent finish make mahogany a classy choice for many furniture builders and cabinetmakers. It is then used for veneers, interior joinery, turning and musical instruments. American species are also used in boat building.

In violin making, the use of mahogany has been consolidated for years. The case par excellence is given by the Gibson Les Pauls guitars that have used this wood from the beginning, but also other important manufacturers, such as Paul Reed Smith. This wood gives the sound a particularly warm, full-bodied, balanced and sustained tone.

In classical and acoustic guitars they can be used, depending on the model, for the realization of necks, backs and sides.